Ambitious Furmey Friends: Litchy's Lizzy and Charles

Ambitious Furmey Friends: Litchy's Lizzy and Charles

Building our dog-minded-community is a wonderful work of people that have similar desires when it comes to their dogs needs... Also, as a female founded company, at Furmey we get inspired by women who are changing the game. Someone who does both is our dear friend Lizzy Perridon. This week we are proud to present CSO (Chief Snack Officer) Charlie and his boss mom Lizzy, who is the brainpower behind the female uplifting company Litchy.

Q: You are one of our best Furmey Friends; However, for the people that did not have the pleasure of getting to know you, could you please tell us something about yourself?

A: All righty, my name is Lizzy Perridon. I was born and raised in Rotterdam; after high school I really wanted to go abroad. So, I went to Florida for four months and then to Florence, Italy, for four months. Once I came back, I decided to move to Amsterdam, where I studied marketing. However, I just always felt like my passion was more with all things fashion. That’s why I decided to partake in an internship at Chantal Bles, where I did the styling for the Voice of Holland.

After this, I started my influencer career, but when I reached a certain amount of following, I realised that it was not for me. I would not say I particularly liked taking pictures of me in it, I knew I loved the creating of something, but I did not like… how shall I put it… seeing myself as the product so to speak. So that’s where the process for Litchy started! 

Q: We are huge Litchy fans! And you are such an octopus, could you tell us about what you are all about these days?

A: Ah, I love that you guys are fans of Litchy! What I do, Litchy started solely as a clothing rental. Short after we launched, COVID happened which gave me more spare time to think about what I wanted. I figured that I wanted to expand the Litchy concept.

Before, I worked in the store myself a lot because I wanted to grasp what people’s needs were. Many customers indicated that they did not know what kind of bra to wear under many dresses. So, that’s how I came up with Litchy’s body line: tapes and nipple covers. The tape you can put on in all kinds of ways so that your breasts will look great in every type of dress.

Q: We love it! So, you did something with your spare time during COVID. Are there any other changes that happened?

A: Yes, at the moment, there have been many changes. The rental concept used to be in-store and is now completely online! Another exciting thing is that we now have an office, where we are with seven girls and not to forget our Charlie. Now that COVID is somewhat behind us, we are ready to start building more. We are growing fast; I am very happy about that.

Q: That sounds great! What do you love the most about what you do?

A: The most fun thing I do? I’d have to say it is the ‘creating’ of something. I’m quite a thinker; I think about my vision all day long and find it interesting how other people think. That’s what I like, the idea, developing the concept and creating something and then seeing if it catches on. That’s what I like most about being an entrepreneur.

That’s actually also how I always start my day, taking Charlie to the Vondelpark before the ‘real’ day starts. That is really where the best ideas come into existence. I then have time to think about stuff ‘Might this be a good idea’, and ‘how would people respond to this’. I would say I am way more of a visionary than anything else. I can describe myself as a bit of a creative bird, ha ha!

Q: You are a creative bird! Talking about animals, how is our friend Charlie? How did you know you wanted a dog, and did you always know that you wished for this breed?

A: Our big friend Charlie! he is doing great. Where to begin… I have always loved dogs. I got to the breed because I was really into Sophia Richie’s style for a while, and she was dating Lewis Hamilton at the time, who had an English bulldog. That’s when my obsession with English bulldogs started! I think about a year and a half later, after constantly researching the breed and watching many videos. The obsession got bigger and bigger. One day I finally said to my boyfriend, ‘maybe we should get an English bulldog’.

Q: We are intrigued...

A: Well, I did not get a ‘no’ at first he was like ‘we can go and have a look at a litter’, but not at all with the idea that we would get one. We just went to take a peek. We Googled ‘English bulldog’ and found a litter. I walked in, and I only held Charlie. From the moment I walked in and laid my eyes on his face, I knew that he was my dog. I told my boyfriend ‘This is it’. I did not even hold any of the other dogs; I just knew this was it. That’s how I found my best friend!

Q: Ah, love at first sight! How would you explain Charlie in 3 words?

A: I think straightforward - because you can always tell from his face what he wants and thinks. It's unbelievable; he's just like a human being. Gezellig* - He radiates positivity. He makes you happy if he is with you all day. And Funny – I laugh myself silly all day with him.

Gezellig* - The term encompasses the heart of Dutch culture. Its meaning includes everything from cosy to friendly, from comfortable to relaxing, and from enjoyable to gregarious.

Q: Furmey Facts – do you have any Furmey facts up your sleeves for us?

A: A fact about his breed. I think that you should never get a dog like Charlie if you don't have the time, he loves being around people, and I do believe his worst nightmare is to be left alone. Having this dog at home during work and seeing him afterwards is not an option.

Q: Good to know. On another note, your other baby is your business, and you work hard every day. Does Charlie come with you to the office?

A: Yes, that's right. He goes with me to the office all day. Our day starts at a quarter past 7; I then shower and get dressed, and at a quarter to 8, I go to the Vondelpark. I try to walk for an hour to an hour and a half. I'll make sure I'm at the office at 10 o'clock. This allows me to have a clear mind and Charlie to take a nice nap, as walking for an hour and a half for a bulldog is quite a lot. He likes the office very much; he loves people. I believe he is happier at the office among people than he would be at home with just one person.

Q: Furmey Tips – Do you have any tips for people who also wish to take their dog to the office with them?

A: Yes, I would make sure that you take your dog on a walk before going to the office. They then have lost their energy, which ensures they can take a nap and chill.

Q: Furmey tips – On another note, what is the best (business) advise that other entrepreneurs might benefit from?

A: I think all people in business experience difficulties and moments when you think, ‘I can't take it anymore, I want to quit’. However, I believe in what Victoria kept telling me: ‘to keep going when it gets hard; that's also when others will quit.  If you keep going and work even harder, that’s the moment that will make a difference.’

Q: We could not agree more. You live in Amsterdam; what is your favourite place to go with Charlie?

A: I know this one right away; coffee concepts in Amsterdam South, such a lovely place. It is a place where all dogs gather before going to the Vondelpark, the owners can get a nice coffee, and it is very cosy! If we leave the house, there is no doubt that Charlie could walk blindly to that place, I guess because he also enjoys it.

Q: Furmey tales – Would you be so kind as to share a fun story about Charlie or one about a situation that he got you into?

A: Charlie goes with a dog pack, that is with a boy who has a cargo bike. All the dogs run alongside it, but not Charlie; he is inside the cargo bike box. I think it's so iconic that Charlie doesn't walk but sits in the box! Often, when I take him for a walk, there are people who say, 'isn't that Charlie from the cargo bike' so he is recognised often. I think this is so funny; it always makes me laugh.

Q: The infamous cargo bike! It was so lovely talking to you, but we can’t leave without asking the final question: what is your favourite Furmey colour?

A: Blue! Charlie looks so good in blue! And then the one with the puffy sleeves, I love it!

Q: He sure looks royal in blue! Great catching up, talk soon!

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